Saturday, March 28, 2009


So....I think my main plan for this particular journal is going to be having a place to post my online content that I create in my classes. I am returning to school to get my BS degree in Digital Design and Animation and will want a central location to post all my tests of new content I create. This will be the place! I'm excited to start back to school and get into the learning. this space! I will probably also post other content that I find on the web or through classes that I think is cool. For example, I absolutely love this:

So....enjoy all the fun I find and check back often - you never know what I'll come up with!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Something New!

Hey all.

Since I had set up a Blogger account to be able to comment on the EtsyFriends' Team Blog, and on other blogs, I decided to go ahead and make up a blog for myself that isn't really associated with my online shops, but is just me, riffing on life and what-have-you. So - here it is! Welcome, kick back, take a gander, hang. :) I'll try to post semi-interesting content for your amusement and consideration. Cheers.