Monday, September 28, 2009

Saying I'm Pissed is the Understatement of the Century!

Hi all.'s the beginning of the second week of break. Fall Quarter starts next Monday.

I have lots of news, but we'll start with what is making me see red this morning. They finally posted grades for the Summer Quarter and my Drawing Design and Art Theory grade went from a B at Mid-Term to a B- at the final. Basically, this has jacked my GPA to 3.84 overall. I am not a happy person right now. For one thing, I'd like to know why the hell the instructor never answered the two e-mails I sent asking for my final project and class grades. He said to send an e-mail and he would reply LAST MONDAY and never replied to anything. So that ticked me off from the start. Second, WTF is with my grade going DOWN when he and everyone else in the class said I'd made the most progress in the course???!!! I'm just.....uuuugggghhh! Grrrrrr!!! Not a happy person AT ALL!!! >:( So, needless to say, that's seriously got my back up this morning. Happy Monday to me. :( The rest of my grades for the quarter were as expected, A in E-Commerce, A in Intro to Business, A in Intro to 3D Arts and Animation. So....yeah....whatever.

Moving on.....I have received my books for next quarter and WOW! that's a lotta stuff! Breaking it down for ya:

College Algebra has a massive book, massive workbook, 9-disc tutorial and 5-disc problem thingy. Needless to say, this is going to be my rough class this quarter.

World Geography has a giant book and a giant atlas book that goes with it. Geography has always been something I have trouble with so....this will be a challenge as well.

Astronomy (which I keep confusing with Astrology), has just one book and it's mostly pictures. Very pretty pictures at that. I have a feeling that class will have lots of lecture, otherwise it's going to be hard to learn online. We shall see.

Creative Writing has one little book with it. I read the first chapter and it's okay. I just really wish that some of these writing books, specifically those written by women, would use more female writers than always falling back on the same male writers we've all read a million times before. Can't we move forward and realize women have been writing, and writing astounding works, just as long as men and try to highlight some of that? Is it asking too much? Apparently so. :( Ah well....we shall see. It's more of the same highbrow crap that drives me nuts too. I'm not much for the flowery writing, I like honest, straightforward, real prose. I dunno. It'll be interesting to see if that instructor is male or female.

Fundmentals of Web Authoring and Design has a Teach Yourself Dreamweaver in 24 Hours book that goes with it. Since the only web authoring I've ever done has been on Microsoft Front Page, and the only coding a severely basic smattering of HTML and then a ton of Visual Basic, suffice it to say that I've got some learning to do on this software. :)

Our book for our next level 3D Animation class is very interesting. It's an older book, but it does have more in it about stuff than our last book so....combined together and with the lecture and lab work, I think it'll be another fun class. I like working in 3DS Max and I like modeling - I could totally see myself doing that all day.

So....that's the latest. I am very, very, very unhappy about the grade I got in Drawing Design, but it's done and there's nothing I can do about it now. :( Time to move on to the next exciting quarter. In the meantime, I know I'll be spending a good portion of this week online playing Evony and Plants vs. Zombies, which I have gotten addicted to. I expect the intervention will commence any day now. "Amy, step away from the computer...." :)

I shall return next week with all the latest news from the new Fall Quarter. Cheers until then!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Two Down, Two to Go!!

Hey all! final Introduction to 3D Arts & Animation class was last night and it was pretty damn awesome. I know that with all of my projects and the final exam and extra credit, that I have a 103.5% grade - that's an A. :) Yippee! The instructor said I chose a really good major and that I'm really doing well. I really enjoy the class and I'm looking forward to learning more next quarter.

Our final project was supposed to be a "Jack-in-the-box", in this case, the Jack in the box was Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I am extremely proud of my treasure chest, let me tell you. I think that thing is fierce! This quarter mainly focused on modeling, texturing and lighting. Next quarter we will move on into more to do with the cameras and animation. As such, our project was rendered out as JPEGs and kind of works like the old flip books, I guess. We have a six-scene storyboard pattern that we followed. So...without further ado, our "Jack Sparrow in the box":

So....there you have it. The projects were broken down to the girls versus the boys in the class, and was an even 4/4 split. However, two of the girls flaked out during the course so it ended up just being me and Marcella doing all the work for our team. And we KICKED ASS!!! :) The boys still didn't even have their project done at the end of class last night. Marcella and I both put in weekend hours, showed up to every class, and had the two highest grades in the class. Why? - cuz girls RAWK!!!! :)

So there you have it, our final project for our Intro to 3D Animation class. Now it's on to my final Intro to Business paper and final written assignment for E-Commerce. Once those are completed and I finish all of my discussion post replies, Summer Quarter will be over. Then I'm spending the next two weeks reading for fun, writing, and chilling out. At least until my new books arrive - then I'm going to be reading ahead, as always. :) Cheers all!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

One Down, Three to Go!

Hey y'all!'s finals week. This quarter has been interesting and challenging on many levels, and also catastrophically boring and annoying on many levels. I'm doing fairly well in my classes and I hope to end the quarter on a high note with a respectable GPA. I *hope*. :)

So last night was my final Drawing Design and Art Theory class. We brought in our final projects to be critiqued and it was agreed by the class that I have made significant improvement over the course of the quarter. And I quite agree. I will know on Monday what my final project grade is and what my overall grade is for the class. This is the one class that could really hump my GPA. At mid-term, I had a B. I know I've improved, so hopefully (hopefully!) I have improved enough to at least an A- or an A. I can handle a 3.95 GPA again, but I really, really, really have been working so hard - I think I've earned my 4.0. But....we'll just have to wait and see.

At any rate, here is my final project from that class. We had to take a book that has not been made into a movie and draw up a movie poster for it. The book I chose was Red Leaves by Paullina Simons. Check it out:

Aside from saying that my trees looked like Lego trees and knowing that I can't draw architecture to save my life, the reviews were overall very positive and since I've never taken any kind of drawing classes before, I feel proud of the final product.

Tonight is my final Introduction to 3D Arts & Animation class. I'm excited to see how our project in that class turns out and hope to have something cool to share with you later. After that, I have two final papers to complete for my online classes, and then this quarter is done. always, watch this space - more to come! Cheers!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Next Quarter's Finalized Schedule

Hi all.'s hard to believe it, but my second quarter here at Rasmussen is almost over. Seems like the time is flying! :) Things are going well. I think I will survive this quarter with 3 A's and one B. At least that's my hope. I can't see myself pulling off better than a B in my Drawing Design class. I'm lucky I've got the B I think. :)

So....came into school today and met with the registrar and financial aid (both a couple of times actually), and finally have my schedule for next quarter finalized. I started out with four design classes and two gen ed classes, but my financial aid wouldn't jive with that, so now it's four gen ed classes and two design. Five are online, only one on campus. This will indeed be an interesting quarter with taking 6 courses and 22 credit hours - wowza! I think I'm insane. We shall see.'s how it's shaking out:

Fundamentals of Web Authoring and Design
Introduction to Astronomy
Creative Writing
World Geography
College Algebra
3-Dimensional Animation

Overall, I like this schedule and think it will be interesting. I know absolutely nothing about astronomy other than what the Big Dipper looks like in the sky so I'll be learning all new things there - cool!

Fundamentals of Web Authoring and Design should be interesting. All about setting up and coding web pages.

Creative Writing should be really fun and interesting. By the end of the class we have to have written a 6,000 word project.

World Geography should be interesting too. I'm a bit geography-challenged, so I'm excited to have a chance to really learn that stuff. I always miss the geography questions on Jeopardy!

College Algebra will more than likely kick my ass. Luckily, there is tutoring help here at school that I am sure I will utilize. I suck with numbers.

3-Dimensional Animation is the next step up from the Intro class I'm taking this quarter. I really love these Animation courses, so I'm stoked to get going with the next one. Also - a good portion of the people in my class this quarter will probably be in that class, so it will be nice to already know some people. It's my only on campus class next quarter.

I'll be almost out of lower level gen ed courses after this one, so I'm going to have to work with financial aid in squaring away enough aid to cover the design heavy quarters that will follow until I get to upper level classes. But, things should be interesting next quarter. I'll be excited to get my new books! I always am.

So...that's the latest. More to come later as things progress. Laters!