Thursday, April 30, 2009


Howdy again y'all! know what's hella fun? (not) Having two different instructors waxing poetic about their software program of choice and telling you that theirs is THE ONE TRUE WAY AND ALL OTHERS SUCK IT! Yeah, that's just such a blast. What. Ever.

Anyhoo....busy day today. I spent a lot of time online and chatting with my school's librarian on the research front for my annotated bibliography for my big English Comp research paper assignment. I found some really AWESOME stuff! I still have to wade through it and get it all typed up but....look for coolness to come a bit later! ;)

I'm still waiting on my grades from last week for both English Comp and Typography. I have another assignment due in Typography (another flyer thingie redesign), but I'm hesitant to do too much work on it until I get my grade from last week and see if I'm on the right track he wants. We shall see. I have until Saturday night so....hopefully he'll post my grade between now and tomorrow. :)

For last week's Success Strategies - A! (Did you doubt it? You shouldn't.) For last week's Intro to Computer Graphics - A! Hee! I love A's. They rock - and prove that I rock as well. :)

So....that's the latest update kittens. More will follow. To all y'all checking this blog out - thanks. Please feel free to leave constructive criticism in the comments - I will reply to all. I'm finding keeping this blog really helpful for this return-to-school process, not the least reason of which is that it gives me a place to let it all out, ya know. ;)


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Week 4 Intro to Computer Graphics - Logo Design

Howdy everyone!

Okay - it's Week 4 - are you excited? No? Then why read this - you that bored? Damn - get a life! Just kidding! (maybe)

Anyhoo....this week's Intro to Computer Graphics class is all about logos. So....true to continuing form, I chose to use my Etsy shop for my logo designs. We had to do two logos: one vector-based and one pixel-based. I did my pixel-based in Photoshop and my vector-based in Illustrator and I did actually do the assignment in those programs - no Publisher - how about that, huh?!?!??? :) Proud of me? I am! I'm even feeling froggy enough to actually do my Typography in the proper program this week - check me out! :)

So....there are four different kinds of logos, wordmark, lettermark, symbol mark, and combination mark. We had to use two of the four and I chose to do wordmark and lettermark. So....without further ado - my assignments:

Photoshop Pixel-Based Wordmark Logo:

Illustrator Vector-Based Lettermark Logo:

So there you have it - my logo assignments - what do you think? Personally, I'm partial to the first one, but that's just me. :) Thoughts? Leave 'em! :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First Artistic Endeavor in Photoshop

Okay....this wasn't an assignment, it was just me trying to create in Photoshop. I call this piece Chaos. Let me know what you think.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Week 3 Typography Assignment threatened.... :) Here is my Typography assignment that I sent in. Basically what we're doing right now is redesigning crappily designed flyers and such that he posts on our class site. I can't show you the before documents because apparently they are SUPER-SPECIAL-HEY-THERE-DON'T-LOOK-AT-MY-STUFF protected docs and I can't so....imagine something really crappy with really crappy graphics and really stupid text'll get there. :) Hint - we aren't allowed to rewrite the text so....not too much imagination required on that front.

Anyhooo.....this is what I came up with this week.

Oh...what's that? What program did I do it in? Ummm...what do you mean? Did I do it in Adobe? Uhhhh....well....sure....okay, yeah. What's that? Oh...have I figured out all those Adobe problems I was having? Well....uhhhh....sure....sure I did. Yeah. It's all squared away....yeah. (that's my story and I'm sticking to it *cough*Publisher*cough*)

Here ya go!

Week 3 Work

Howdee y'all!! :P

Well...Week 3 of classes is almost complete. I must still finish my Typography assignment, but the rest is done. I just finished sending in my English Comp paper today.'s the run-down on my last posted work - Intro to Computer Graphics - A. English Comp - A. Invisible Success Strategies (which you will never see here) - A. Typography - BASTARD!!! I got a 25/30, which isn't bad per se (it's like 83.3% or something), but if this mutherfucker messes up my GPA, I'm finding the bastard, I'm telling you now! Geez he's in love with himself!!! Ugh!!! So....that was the only blight on my Week 2. No, now that you mention it, I'm not a perfectionist - - why do you ask???

Okay, Week 3 work. Success Strategies was crap about well....something I don't even remember about coming back to college after a long time away so...moving on!

Intro to Computer Graphics was picking an Annual Report to redesign. I chose Barnes & Noble Booksellers, cuz theirs kinda suck. Nice blank canvas to play with - yay! That was it aside from the discussion - pretty quiet week on that topic.

English Composition - - ah, English Comp - yeah....English Comp started out annoying the fuck out of me, but by the end of the week was actually very educational. Our assignment was an expository essay on one of the following topics (and I hate when other people choose my freaking topics - especially when they're this stupid):

1. Explain how the Cold War ended. (Who. cares.)
2. Explain how Hawaii became a state.
3. Explain the pros and cons of nationalism. (Again.who.cares.)
4. Explain the origins of the concept of "free will". (What.Ever. That's free will!)
5. Explain the 1919 "Black Sox" scandal. (Bunch of whiny spoiled ball players threw the series for cash and then whinged when they got caught - explanation enough for you?)

Can you guess which I chose? I'll give you a minute....

Minute's up!! I chose how Hawaii became a state. It's actually very interesting. And very "whitey came and stole our land" which is true so, ya know, it's legit. I didn't know there was still a whole big to-do going on about restoring Hawaii to its own republic - did you know that? No? Well, now ya do! You learned something new today! CONGRATULATIONS!!! :)'s the sitch - the way he wanted this done was kind of expository-essay-writing-for-retards or something, and I don't roll that way, so I did it my way. It was supposed to be 2 pages, but I went all Hermione on it and did almost three; only two sources needed, I cited six - that kind of thing. If he dings me, he dings me, my paper is good. Think I'm being a blowhard? Read for yourself and judge (oh - as always - this is my freaking work except where cited so DON'T STEAL MY SHIT! - I HATE that!):

The Controversial Statehood of Hawaii

When one thinks of a conquering nation, rarely does America come to mind. Founded as it was under the principles of freedom and democracy, it becomes hard to believe that the addition of one of the fifty United States is seen as an act of war. But that is precisely the controversy surrounding the annexation and addition of Hawaii as the 50th state.

Prior to 1840, the Hawaiian Islands were considered the Hawaiian kingdom, presided over by a monarchy, and rich with a culture and vibrancy of its own. In 1778, however, English Captain James Cook came upon the islands, and following his “discovery” of the islands, American whaling fleets, other explorers and adventurers, traders, and eventually New England missionaries found their ways to the islands. With the arrival of the missionaries, the culture and scenery of Hawaii began to change with the addition of the written English language, Protestant and Catholic religions, and American trades and ways of life including horse-drawn vehicles, frame houses, schools, churches, taverns, and mercantiles.

Another arrival that coincided with that of the New England missionaries was the arrival of a group of white businessmen looking to tap into the Islands’ sugar cane market to supplement the loss of America’s sugar cane plantations when the South seceded from the Union during the Civil War. These white planters began to assert greater influence over the Hawaiian King to open up the Islands to private ownership, which finally was accomplished in 1848 with the Great Mahele.

During this time, the white planter minority was also exercising its financial influence to try to reduce tariffs on their sugar cane shipments to the United States. In 1875, the Reciprocity Treaty was signed between the United States and Hawaii to give a duty-free market for Hawaiian sugar, and economic privileges for the United States in Hawaii. In 1887, the Reciprocity Treaty was renewed with the addition of granting the United States the freedom to establish a naval base at Pearl Harbor.

King Kamehameha III began to lose the support of the white planter class when he decided to start trying to reestablish the native Hawaiian culture on the islands. In 1887, a company of white troops forced the Bayonet Constitution on the King, limiting his powers and granting the white planters voting rights. When King Kamehameha III’s successor, Queen Liliuokalani, again tried to revive the Hawaiian culture and monarchy on the Islands, a group of American and European businessmen overthrew her with the help of a group of U.S. Marines from the USS Boston that had been stationed in Pearl Harbor.

United States President Benjamin Harrison had been in favor of the deposing of the Queen in Hawaii, and sent a bill to Congress requesting the annexation of Hawaii to the United States. However, his presidency ended before the bill was passed, and his successor, President Grover Cleveland, withdrew the bill from Congressional consideration. He determined that Hawaii had been unjustly robbed of its freedom “by an act of war, committed with the participation of a diplomatic representative of the United States and without authority of Congress” (“The Controversy over Hawaii”, 1893), and he attempted to help reinstate Queen Liliuokalani and the Hawaiian monarchy.

Unable to complete reinstatement of the Queen before the end of his term, President Cleveland was forced to leave the determination of Hawaii’s fate to his successor, President William McKinley. Prior to his assassination, McKinley agreed to the annexation of Hawaii, and Congress passed the measure in 1898. Hawaii was officially made a territory of the United States of America in 1900, but a vote for statehood was postponed in Congress due to racial attitudes and party politics of the time.

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor brought both Hawaii and the United States into the Second World War. Owing to the strategic military necessity of Hawaii at that time, following the end of the war in 1945, Hawaii was kept on its path to statehood, eventually being brought into the Union along with Alaska in 1959.
In 1993, however, President Bill Clinton signed United States Public Law 103-150, apologizing to the Native Hawaiian people for the role the United States played in overthrowing the monarchy and occupying the state. As a consequence, a movement continues in the island nation for a restoration of the independence of Hawaii as its own republic, and a restoration of the monarchy.


Annexation of Hawaii, 1898. (n.d.) Retrieved April 22, 2009, from

The Controversy over Hawaii (2009). In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from Encyclopaedia Britannica Online: http://search.eb/eb/article-9398256

Hawaii. (2009). In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online:

Hawaii Becomes Our 50th State. (n.d.) Retrieved April 22, 2009, from

Is Hawaii Really a State of the Union? (n.d.) Retrieved April 22, 2009, from

Reciprocity Treaty of 1875. (2009). In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from Encyclopaedia Britannica Online:

Now, tell me that wasn't an awesome paper - I dare ya! (At this point, I've honestly been over this damn thing so many times I don't care anymore)

So that's it for schoolwork for Week 3 aside from my Typography, which I still have to complete and turn in before Saturday night and ZOMG! I getter get busy. Back laters with that for your fun and enjoyment. Cheers!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Update to the Drama

Hey there hi there ho there y'all!

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it may not be the headlamp of an oncoming train! I have a tutoring session scheduled with someone in my major that is supposedly an expert on all this software. Bright and early Monday - yippee. :) I am continuing on with my independent study, but learn so much better if I have someone to ask questions of. Also - I was informed there is an on-campus class I can sit in on if I like. Good news all around! I have to give it to my school, they are willing to do whatever they can to help you succeed. Woot! :) Great way to start the weekend.

Also - new classwork for Week 3 posted today. Success Strategies was easy and it's already done. As previously mentioned, hearing about that would make y'all fall asleep so - we're skipping posting that stuff. English Comp is seriously busy this week. Lots of fun for y'all later. Intro to Computer Graphics and Typography is more of the same as last week so....there will be lots of fun and exciting posts to follow. Stay tuned! Cheers!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Typography Week 2 assignment in Typography this week was supposed to be done in a combination of Illustrator and Photoshop. And I tried, I really did. But then....fuck it - I did it in Publisher and copied it in. Again - sue me. What. Freaking. EVER. Have I mentioned I hate Adobe? WHITE-HOT HATE! So....we were supposed to redesign a flyer using the principle of proximity. Also, my Typography instructor is kind of a prick and very in love with himself so....his expectations, they are high. My skills in Adobe, they are low, as will probably be my grade on this. But after almost a week of wrangling around with this shit, my response is Fuck. It.!!!'s what I came up with:

So that's it for school for this week. New assignments and classwork should be posted tomorrow and the fun shall continue. I am contacting the school tomorrow about getting some Adobe tutoring cause man - this sucks! Wish me luck y'all - I need it! Cheers!

Intro to Computer Graphics, Week 2

Hi all.

Bet you thought I forgot about you, eh? Nope! I've been spending most of this week slogging through tutorials trying to make heads or tails of Adobe applications. Can I just say for the record right now that at this moment I hate Adobe with a fiery passion? I may change my tune, once I figure out what the fuck I'm doing, but right now - hatred - white-hot and blinding. For an introductory class, you'd think we'd get some instruction on the required software, especially since the majority of us have never used it. Did we? Nope. We're all using trials of the software right now and the course requirements changed and we aren't receiving the instructional books like before. Fun. And I'm paying out the ass for this why again? :( I'm hoping I'll get some kind of insight here soon and will be contacting the school tomorrow for some assistance cause I have two classes using all this stuff and I gotta figure it out. Also, for the record, I love Publisher. So....right now, I'm cheating a bit. I'm doing most of my work in Publisher and copying it into Photoshop. Sue me. What.ever.

Anyhoo....enough of my bitching. My Intro to Computer Graphics assignment for this week was on the Many Faces of Design. We were to take two images and a company and design an ad. So....I chose my Etsy shop. That way everything is mine and I don't have to worry about citations and shit. So....I did one in Photoshop (don't ask me how, I can't remember - but I did it) and then the other in Publisher. Oh - we were supposed to do the ad in two different programs. I did do it in Illustrator somehow, but the file was too big so - submitted my Publisher instead. ya go:



We shall see how badly my grades are on these. I dunno. Maybe they suck. At least I have something turned in.

Also - just a note on my previous post - I'm beginning to think I'm in an ESL English class or something because those folks are deeply stupid. No one is paying any attention to the assignments. No one is posting polished narratives. It's usually two to three grammatically incorrect sentences with no purpose. And no one is peer reviewing properly except for (you guessed it) me. I'd say I'm being haughty and a bitch (which I am) but damn y'all - you should see some of this shit. Third graders write better narratives about What They Did Last Summer. I reviewed two and then gave up - it's too pathetic to continue. Oy!

Okay...back in a bit with my Typography assignment. Laters!

Monday, April 13, 2009

English Composition - Week 2

Hi all.

Okay - it's that time again! :) For my English Composition class, we are working on Storytelling this week. So - discussion assignment was a short narrative to be posted for peer review, written assignment was to write a fable in the style of Aesop with a moral. We had five to choose from. Again ALL WRITING IS MINE, HAS MY COPYRIGHT, SO DO NOT STEAL IT! LINK IF YOU CAN, CITE IF YOU MUST - DON'T STEAL MY SHIT!! So....first, here is my discussion narrative:

On a cold, dark, and drizzly Friday evening in January of 2004, I was the victim in a pedestrian vs. SUV accident while living in Seattle. My car had been stolen in September of 2003, and I was left with no option but to take the bus to get anywhere. I had gotten off of the bus on my way home from work to run into the 7-11 closest to my home to pick up some soda and milk for the weekend. While crossing the street back over to my bus stop after making my purchases, I was struck by a Dodge Durango that was pulling out of a park entrance at the cross-street near the 7-11. The driver had not been paying attention at all and hit me head-on. I had braced myself for the impact at the last second, and as such did not immediately fall when he hit me. Rather, I popped back and landed on my own feet again. Unfortunately, once he hit his brakes after hitting me, his tires locked and the SUV slid forward into me again. That is when I hit the ground and slid about 8 feet before coming to a stop. Unable to move due to the shock of the impact, I found myself lying on a cold, wet street surrounded by strangers. I had moved all the way across the country from all of my family, so I had no one to call to pick me up from the emergency room or for help during rehabilitation. Finally, unable to continue living in Seattle while trying to recuperate, I moved back to Florida and family for my rehab. While I still miss Seattle terribly and hope someday to return, this experience has given me a new appreciation for living closer to the support of family and friends.

And here is my fable:

On a crisp autumn morning, one of the last before winter’s chill set in, two squirrels met each other on the top of a fence.

“Sister Squirrel!” said the first, “surely you are not ready for the coming winter already!”

“But I am, Brother Squirrel,” said the second. “I have everything I need stored safely away.”

“Tosh!” exclaimed Brother Squirrel. “See you my tree – it is full to overflowing with nuts for the winter!”

And indeed his tree was full. Nuts had been stuffed into every available knot of the tree, spilling over in some places.

“Aye, Brother,” said Sister Squirrel, “I indeed do see the fruits of your labors, but do you not worry that some of your nuts’ shells are broken, and that they are packed too tightly in places, exposed to other animals and the elements?”

“Nonsense!” said Brother Squirrel. “If some are not good or are stolen, I have plenty of others! You are the one who will be sorry you have not stocked more away.”

“We shall see,” said Sister Squirrel.

And, indeed, as the cold, harsh winter endured, Sister Squirrel enjoyed the finest and freshest of nuts, as she had stored only the best nuts she could find, and kept them safe from the elements and theft.

Brother Squirrel, meanwhile, lost most of his best nuts to other animals and the freezing ice and snow. He was left with only the spoiled nuts he could salvage from the broken shells in the bottom of his tree.

The moral being that quality is better than quantity.

Yeah, and in case you're wondering, I agree - apparently my squirrels are Scottish or something. :)

I'm not going to post anything from my Success Strategies course - 'cuz it's all about returning to school, balancing school and life, blah, blah, blah. I do have some assignments for Intro to Computer Graphics this week and Typography - and those will follow later.

Anyhoo...enjoy my English Comp assignments. Thoughts? Leave 'em!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

English Composition Assignment - Your Mind to Paper

Hi all. By popular demand (hee) I am going to be posting classwork from all of my classes, not just my graphics classes. As such, here is my first assignment from my English Composition class. Please note that the copyright on the writing here belongs to me. As such, please do not plagiarize my work. If you want to share something, link it to here, kthxbai!

The title of the assignment was From Your Mind to Paper. What we had to do was read an excerpt from Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" and then write our own description of Gregor the Bug Man, is my assignment of what I decided Gregor the Bug Man looks like:

With his relatives pounding on the doors around him, Gregor tried in vain to raise himself from his bed. He realized that his body, before soft and human and flexible, was now long and hard and unyielding. He glanced down to see himself a foreign entity entirely. His soft, light skin had been replaced by a kind of hard, dark green body shell. Where once he had two strong legs, he now saw nothing. He attempted to raise his left hand to pinch himself, only to find that the physical response to his mental command no longer raised one arm but four long, dark green feelers covered in rough black hairs. A glance to his right showed four answering feelers in concert to the ones on his left. As he rolled his eyes in agony, he looked up to see two more feelers sprouting from his head. An angry sort of rustling, like the sound of sandpaper rubbing against itself, turned his head further to the side to see a translucent white wing rubbing against his bedding. He felt a strange pulling and fullness in his mouth that he could not define. With a great deal of effort, he managed to roll himself off of his bed and land awkwardly on two of his bottom feelers. With speed he could not comprehend, he found himself across his bedroom standing in front of his mirror. He could not believe the horror he beheld there. The fullness in his mouth came from two large pincers, like those of a large spider. His eyes were a bright, sinister red, and his head was covered with large, jagged protrusions of what appeared to be bone. Unable to handle the enormity of what he had become, his eyes rolled back into his head and Gregor the Bug Man fainted dead away.

Also for my English Comp class, we have to write a research essay on the topic of diversity in our chosen field. I am getting my Bachelor's in Digital Design and Animation, and my focus is going to be on animated film. As such, here is the research essay topic decision I turned in:

I have chosen to focus my diversity research project topic on the need for more women in the animated film industry. My research and arguments will address the need for more women in the film industry in general, and the animated film industry in particular, as not only inspiration for the following generations of young women, but also as pioneers in striving to achieve a more accurate and positive portrayal of women and girls in animated films. My research and arguments will show that the current portrayals of women and girls in animated film are distorted, and that with an increased diversity of more women in higher level positions in the industry (i.e. directors, story creators, etc.), that these issues can be addressed and the images of women and girls changed to more accurately reflect real society.

Know what I like best of all about that? You can't tell one little bit that I'm a militant feminist, can you? (wink wink nudge nudge) Heee...So....thought's y'all? Post 'em! Laters!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

First Class Assignment Post

Hi all.

As promised, this blog is going to be where I share the projects I complete in class, and also where I share interesting things I come across.

So....classes have begun and my first assignment for my Intro to Computer Graphics class was an assignment called Who Are You? The assignment was to go online and find an image that represents you or how you see things, and then to add font text to it - a quote, whatever you want to say. it is! The image is from PhotoBucket, the quote is mine. Enjoy!